MEMBERSIntroduction of Members
河村 龍樹KAWAMURA Ryuki
Project Manager

If you want to work together, inspire each other, elevate each other, and have fun, then by all means!
Catch Phrase
Old man with a beard
Job Description
I do web and app structure, progress management, and direction in a muddled way.
My own instruction manual
Optimistic and sensitive, rough for details, following trends but contrarian. Tough AB-type.
Things I liked to do as a child
Building secret bases, Mini 4WD
Something I would like to do in the future
Bungee jumping, skydiving someday
Favorite food
Yakiniku, ramen, curry
Favorite words
"Men are not logical. From the time you are born to the time you die, you live your life saying to yourself, I am a man, I am a man." 〜Jiro Asada, from Tenkiirimatsu Yamigatari